Carbon Capture Technologies is a very important part of the Climate Control Strategy. But because of its high cost, industries haven't been able to implement this technology properly.
But this is a problem of the past.
Our Innovative and game changing, clean technology offers a versatile and cost effective solution to all industries. Our Technology is adaptable & scalable and is suitable for all energy intensive industries.
We are proud that our technology is comparable to any technology in the world in terms of performance and cost. Our solvent has capture performance far ahead of the market standards, both due to its unique chemistry and advance machine design.
Easy Installation
The machine installation is with virtually no hassle. There is no effect on the existing core manufacturing process. Our technology acts as an eco-friendly extension of the existing machinery as the solvent never comes in contact with any of the core products of the company.
The machine complex has a life cycle of 25+ years, more than 2,20,000 working hours. This is due to the lower corrosion by the solvent.
The Solvent too have a life upto 6 years and currently we are working on to elongate this Solvent lifetime which will furthur bring down the Carbon Capture cost
Our Solvent can process a variety of flue gases with different CO2 concentration, ranging between 2% to 30%. Our technology is capable to process the low pressure flue gases which gives us an edge over other technologies. Moreover, the cost of carbon capture is another thing to be considered which implementation.