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Carbon Neutral Thermal Power Plant,
Powered by Fossil Fuel

Thermal Power Plants have been in use since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and despite the push for the renewable energy, fossil fuel powered Thermal plants will be used for many more years to come. Despite the increase in Renewable energy production, more coal and gas powered plants have been set up. Similarly the production of Coal and Natural gas are at an all time high.

Since these fossil fuels are to stay as mainstream power source for a next few decades, Decarbonizing these power plants is the next best thing that could be done and Utilizing the captured CO2 as a source to produce carbon neutral fuel source is just the icing on the cake.


Achieving Carbon Neutality

Thermal power plants are an important source of power for all countries, be it a developed, developing or under-developed country. Cheap power is almost as important as clean energy & carbon neutrality. Our technology can capture +90% of the CO2 emissions from these power plants and thus help in the quest of carbon neutrality without any changes in the existing infrastructure.


Cost Effective Solution

The first part is the low capture cost by Oocanol which directly effects the OPEX. The other part is the smaller footprint of the machine complex. The CO2 conversion from the captured CO2 results in additional gains. These are high quality, carbon neutral products.


Effective Carbon Utilizing

Carbon Capture is an effective solution to decarbonize the thermal power plants and increase the efficiency of the plant. Carbon Utilization options like conversion to Methane & Methanol are attractive options as these are fuel with high calorific values and can be used to generate more power. This will help to participate in Circular economy and make tremendous gains from the waste CO2.  

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