CO2 Capture For Refineries
As the world moves towards renewable energies and eco-friendly technologies, the Oil refineries faces an incredible task to make its process less carbon intensive. There is enormous pressure from the political side as well as the environmental side.
Our Technology can easily address these issues in the cost friendly way for the Oil Refining Companies. Moreover, the issues that were not solved in the conventional Carbon Capture Technologies are addressed properly. Our machines have long life and a low carbon capture cost which is comparable to the best technologies in the world. Depending on different conditions, the cost of carbon capture can be as low as US$ 30 which is more than 50% less compared to market standards.
CO2 based Enhanced Oil Recovery
CO2 based Enhanced Oil Recovery is a proved method to increase the output of the Oil mines. This method not only reduces the OPEX of the process but also increases the life of the Oil mines by a decade, if not more and when coupled with the low cost of Carbon Capture that our process provides, it becomes a very profitable endeavor.
Low Cost of Carbon Capture
Because of the Unique cheistry of our solvent technology Oocanol and because special care if given to the machine design to reduce losses. Lower Carbon Capture cost is important for successful implementation of the technology. Our technology is comparable to any technology in the world in terms of performance.
Unique Model Design
Multiple CO2 sources has been a big challenge to tackle for many carbon capture technologies. Our unique Carbon capture system design is able to source CO2 from multiple points of the refining unit. This type of design directly reduces the CAPEX of the project and the project footprint.